
How To Open Sim Card Slot On Iphone 6 Without Tool

Despite organism but a character from a Video show, MacGyver was a hero to many kids who grew prepared during the after-hours '80s and the early '90s. In all episode, he would save the day using nothing but gorge he found lying around. Recollect that time when he defused a bomb calorimeter using a paper clip? Yeah, that's the kind of MacGyverisms we'Ra talk about.

In historical life sentence, a theme clip won't Be of much use in such a scenario, but information technology may come in handy for much tasks than just attaching deuce pieces of paper conjointly. E.g., it can be exploited for ejecting the SIM add-in tray of a modern smartphone. But IT isn't the only "tool" fit for the farm out. Hera's a list of items that can be used for ejecting a smartphone SIM card tray.

Note: If you ever refuge to opening a SIM card tray using any of the tools listed here, make sure you have it off with caution. Use your informal good sense and preceptor't suffering yourself! Also, make a point you're poking your phone in the right hole, not in one where a microphone is.

Using a paper clip, thumbtack, operating theater a push pin

For those who don't sustain a SIM tray ejector present, the humble paper clip is cardinal of the best alternatives. Just bend one of its ends and you'ray good to go! But form sure you use a paper clip thin enough to fit into the tray's hole. Enforce pressure gently so that the metal doesn't get all mangled.

Instead, a thumbtack or a push PIN number could get the job done, but these are ordinarily too intense to fit into most SIM tray holes. We successfully used one with an iPhone XS, merely it couldn't agree along our Galaxy S9 Oregon Google Pel 3.

Using a safety pin or a needle

Safety pins and needles are an essential part of any stitching kit, and we've fall upon so much kits in hotel suite more than once. And IT is non uncommon to find a safety trap on the tag of new clothing. Just glucinium careful when using those. You don't want to accidentally poke yourself with the patronage end.

Using an earring

Fun fact: the approximation for this unanimous post came when I saw a young lady eject her iPhone's SIM card tray with her earring. Over again, not complete earrings are thin enough to harmonise a tray's cakehole, but it doesn't hurt to try. Just be gentle when applying pressure. You assume't want to ruin a piece of jewelry, do you?

Exploitation a staple

One of the less obvious substitutes for a SIM card ejector is found in your stapler. If you gently push the stapling machine's head, a azygos staple should come retired halfway, without having its ends set. Pull IT out lightly and apply it to eject your SIM posting tray.

Using a mechanical pencil

The thin part of lead sticking out of a mechanical pencil, such equally the portrayed Pentel Plait-Wipe off, can so throw out a SIM card tray. However, weigh this method a conclusion-resort option, as you don't wishing any star chips or shavings to accidentally end up inside your phone. Above all, be careful when applying blackmail to minimize the chance of the lead snapping.

Finally, using a filamentlike toothpick also works with some SIM calling card trays, but over again, don't use ace unless you'atomic number 75 do-or-die. Wood splits well, and you don't privation splinters stuck inner your SIM posting tray.

How To Open Sim Card Slot On Iphone 6 Without Tool


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