
What To Do With Your Money Once You Have Money

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If you attended our Moms & Money event in May, this quote from panelist Shaang Saavedra may be ringing in your head:

"Money is like a knife," she said. "If you lot use it poorly, information technology tin can impale you. Simply if you apply it wisely, it will feed you for the rest of your life."

Sounds scary. The indicate, though, is that coin is simply a tool you can learn to dispense. The more you learn, the better able y'all'll be to wield information technology in a fashion that serves your goals.

NextAdvisor was founded i twelvemonth ago this month, in partnership with TIME, to help readers take ownership of their money during one of the scariest times in recent memory. Information technology's been anything simply unproblematic. Afterwards a year of long-term unemployment, unprecedented stimulus spending, and numerous financial cliffs, our latest national survey finds the bulk of people still feeling anxious about their coin. Many of us have been confronting the legacies of bigotry, racism, and inequality that pervade our financial system and everyday money transactions. Meanwhile, the housing market turned insane.

Through it all, we've focused on small, discrete deportment you lot can take right at present.

"You're just learning," Saavedra connected. "You're just getting data on how y'all've behaved in the past. Then little by fiddling, we take that one lilliputian next step. We do things a little flake scared to move to a new mindset."

Last twelvemonth, nosotros brought 50 smart coin moves. Now, here are forty more than good-approved ways to have ownership of your finances today—fifty-fifty if yous're doing it scared. It'southward fourth dimension to make a motion.

Illustrations by Elisa Faye

Buy an index fund

If you had $500 to invest right at present, where would you showtime? Our answer: an index fund. It's a big group of stocks that'southward designed to runway the unabridged market. With this strategy, y'all're non betting on a single company — you lot're getting a piece of all of them. The other good matter nearly index funds is that they deport zero or very low fees at every major brokerage. And in study subsequently study, index funds shell the functioning of high-fee stock pickers. Brand information technology easy.

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Start a passive income stream

Making coin while you lot sleep doesn't accept to exist a pipe dream. Earning passive income is easier today than ever before, and many of our NextAdvisor contributors are making a killing. If you want to level upwards your fiscal life and yous know that cutting expenses will only go you so far, commencement thinking about means to add together income. Investing in the stock market, whether on your own or through a 401(grand), counts as one. Here are 7 others you may not have considered — presented by correspondent Jannese Torres-Rodriguez, who has fabricated money on every unmarried one.

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Discover your "liberty gap"

You could also call this number "the gap between your monthly income and your monthly expenses," only that's non every bit fun. Plus, freedom gap really gets to the point. The strategy here is to calculate the amount of money you have left over each month once all your bills are paid. When you know that figure, say $750, you lot tin can intentionally deploy those funds toward your goals. Maybe $250 goes toward paying off debt, $250 toward savings, and $250 for investing in alphabetize funds. The bigger your freedom gap, the more y'all tin can practise — and the more than power you have to build wealth and ultimately achieve financial independence. Credit to Mahlet Amaha , a NextAdvisor contributor and creator of @blackwomxnarewealthy , for the turn of phrase.

Accept an hr to name your beneficiaries

We call this the gateway drug of manor planning. Creating a will is something 60% of U.S. adults haven't washed, mayhap because it can exist a daunting process. You should do it anyway, says Jill Schlesinger, a CFP and NextAdvisor contributor. But if y'all want to knock out a win today, there's a more straightforward way to get started. Naming a beneficiary on your fiscal accounts — such equally 401(thousand)south, 403(b)due south, traditional and Roth IRAs, brokerage accounts, and life insurance policies — is frequently like shooting fish in a barrel to do online in 15 minutes or less. There'due south peace of mind at pale: fifty-fifty if you don't take a volition, naming a beneficiary will ensure that your assets avoid legal probate and go directly to whomever you designate.

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Download YNAB (or one of these other apps)

Y'all'll accept any help you can get, correct? If a good app can help you rail your coin more easily, or integrate fiscal management into your daily routine, accept advantage. Some of our favorites are Personal Capital, which allows you lot to track your net worth for free with graphs and charts to help you visualize your goals, and Acorns, which is a relatively frictionless way to start investing. But an accented favorite among our contributors and experts is You Need a Budget, or YNAB. It helps y'all with zero-based budgeting , an extremely effective fashion to cut expenses and enhance discretionary income. And yous tin can start with a free version.

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Detect out if you're underpaid…

Are you willing to accept an awkward conversation? When NextAdvisor correspondent Erin Lowry asked vii career and negotiation experts the hole-and-corner to negotiating a higher salary, they all agreed on 1 thing: you take to be armed with information about how much your colleagues and peers make compared to you. And sometimes the but way to find out is to ask. Finding ways to have these conversations tin assistance you discover whether you're underpaid and give you the data you need to brand your case. Check out Lowry'due south piece for a copy-and-paste script that volition help break the ice.

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…and know your value

For every dollar a man makes, women brand $.82, on average. The gap is wider for Latinas, Black women, and Native American women. For Vanessa Menchaca-Wachtmeister, a tech professional person who managed to double her salary in two years, that statistic inspired an ambitious negotiation mindset. "The real game-changer was seeing through the female feeling that I'm not worthy of my money and going hard with my negotiations," Menchaca-Wachtmeister said during a Latina Women on FIRE consequence hosted by NextAdvisor. "I portrayed it in my caput like this: how would a directly white male person who owns the world take this challenge on?" Read on for her negotiation tactics.

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Delete Robinhood

When this controversial trading app became 1 of the well-nigh popular Apple downloads of the year, nosotros knew we had to attempt information technology. So we asked our contributing editor Farnoosh Torabi, a financial announcer and host of the podcast "And then Money," to write nigh her experiences using Robinhood over a period of six months. Her conclusion: the app may be fun and like shooting fish in a barrel to employ, only its emphasis on short-term trading over long-term investing volition cost you. For investors with fourth dimension and compound interest on their side, Torabi says a low-fee brokerage such as Vanguard offers a surer — and frankly, easier — path to long-term wealth.

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Calculate your Fire number

Retirement isn't an historic period anymore. It'south a dollar amount. Specifically, it'due south the amount of money yous need to take invested in order to live off your returns and become permanently work-optional. And there's a relatively simple formula that helps you identify yours. We asked correspondent Rita-Soledad Fernandez Paulino — a married mother of 2 who didn't showtime investing until she was 33 — to show us how she calculated her FIRE number (which stands for Financially Independent, Retire Early) and how she'southward using it to retire early on at 47.

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Refinance your mortgage — there'southward still time

Mortgage rates have been historically depression for most a twelvemonth, and plenty of people have taken advantage. But there are still 14 meg homeowners who tin can relieve at to the lowest degree $250 a month past replacing their current mortgage with a new one at today's low rates, co-ordinate to a recent report from the mortgage data firm Black Knight. Experts predict that mortgage rates volition stay low for the remainder of the yr, so you don't take to rush into it. Starting time past learning how refinancing works .

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Cheque your housing budget using the 28/36 rule

We beloved a rule of thumb. There will alway exist exceptions, but information technology'due south squeamish to accept an expert-approved guideline. When information technology comes to determining how much dwelling house you can afford to purchase, the 28/36 rule comes highly recommended. The idea is that your monthly mortgage payment (which you can estimate using a mortgage calculator ) shouldn't be more than 28% of your monthly pre-taxation income, nor should it be more than 36% of your full debt. Unexpected costs are practically guaranteed when you're a homeowner, so knowing that you can comfortably beget your monthly payments will assist y'all shop for a dwelling house with conviction.

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Cheque your credit report for gratis

Want to know what the credit-reporting agencies really think of you lot? Yous can discover out for gratis, and it'southward worth a expect. Your credit report is a summary of all your interactions with the fiscal system: the debt you owe, the credit cards you've opened, your tape of making on-time payments, and more. It's this report that determines your credit score, which in plow determines what kind of a deal you're going to get the side by side time y'all desire to borrow money. Considering of a special COVID-19 provision, you can check your credit report from each of the iii reporting agencies for free every week until April 2022.

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Increase your credit limit — and your credit score with information technology

Raising your credit score doesn't have to take a long time. One of the quickest ways to boost it is to dispense your credit-utilization ratio , which accounts for 30% of your credit score. The ratio is constitute past adding up all the debt yous owe and dividing information technology by the corporeality of credit yous have admission to. The lower, the ameliorate. And so if you're carrying a $2,000 balance on a bill of fare with a $ten,000 credit limit , you lot take a credit-utilization ratio of 20%. But if you heighten your credit limit to $xx,000, that same residual is now x% of your total credit. For customers in expert standing, raising your credit limit can be as easy as filling out a form online or making a single phone phone call.

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Take a coin talk with your partner

We hate to spring to a worst-case scenario. Simply if you lot're married, this story by NextAdvisor contributor Dasha Kennedy is non to exist missed. In information technology, Kennedy shares her regret that she never talked about money in her marriage, a lack of communication that ultimately led to a financially devastating divorce. " Failing to take conversations about coin and spousal relationship is a surefire way to notice yourself discussing debt and divorce ," Kennedy writes. Now she's making information technology her mission to aid more women get financially empowered.

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Invest for a kid in your life

We call them the meg-dollar babies. This year NextAdvisor talked to two moms who are investing for their children so early that they've basically guaranteed the kiddos a multi-million dollar retirement. Chemical compound interest is the central here: over a long period of time, even a relatively pocket-sized investment will grow exponentially. Contributor Mahlet Amaha plans to invest her Child Taxation Credit of $2,000 a year into a brokerage account in her name with her 2-year-quondam son every bit the beneficiary. Even if she stops when he's eighteen, that $36,000 contribution volition multiply to a shocking $viii million when her son is 65. Bank check out the math . Then read financial advisor Dominique Broadway — whose 18-calendar month-old daughter Dawsyn is on runway to be a millionaire past 16 — on how you can go started, too.

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Subscribe to a coin newsletter

Let skillful money advice come to y'all. Email newsletters are thriving, and some of our favorite financial brains are offering gratuitous news and inspiration straight to your inbox. We similar " Jill on Money ," written past NextAdvisor contributor Jill Schlesinger , for its highly relatable reader questions. For a more interactive experience, the Wall Street Periodical offers an email " coin claiming " with once-a-week prompts. Read more for our 10 favorites. (The NextAdvisor newsletter isn't bad, either.)

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Employ your airline miles

If you're gearing up for travel again, yous know that airfare prices are rising dorsum to pre-pandemic levels. And it may accept been a while since yous final checked in on the balances of your miles and points programs. We crunched the numbers on Delta , American Airlines , United , and Southwest right now, and found that miles accrued with those iv airlines range in value from one.2 to 1.6 cents. With that in listen, you can learn how to scope out a trip that will maximize your miles' value.

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Learn nigh crypto…

For most financial experts, investing in cryptocurrency is too speculative to recommend without a long list of caveats. Simply everyone agrees you should acquire about it. The rise of digital currencies has the potential to upend our financial systems and the fashion we interact with money every day. So if yous're "crypto-curious" and wondering whether there's a identify for it in your long-term plan, the first stride is to know what you lot're buying. Learning about blockchain, the technology that underlies every cryptocurrency, is a good style to offset.

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…and and so ask yourself these questions

If you lot've turned from crypto-curious to crypto believer, you might exist looking for a fashion to add information technology to your investments. This is where fiscal experts suggest some ground rules. Considering the value of crypto is volatile and without a long track record, the pros we talked to recommend limiting it to no more than 5% of your portfolio — and that'southward only if y'all've checked some other boxes already, like contributing to traditional retirement savings and getting out of debt. Then, you'll know you're set up when you tin reply these iv questions.

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Call your car insurance company

Every once in a while, it pays to go through your fixed monthly expenses and come across where you can shave off some savings. Then if you haven't called your motorcar insurer in a year or more, give this strategy a effort: call them and enquire about getting a low-mileage discount. Many of the states aren't driving most every bit much equally our policies presume. You may not fifty-fifty take to telephone call. Jannese Torres-Rodriguez says she was able to update her yearly mileage on her insurer'southward online portal and get immediate savings. "I retrieve at that place's a lot of room for negotiation," she says. "The last thing they want right now is to lose your business."

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Negotiate a bill

Did yous know y'all tin can negotiate your internet bill? The rent? Medical bills? Plenty of financial transactions are negotiable if you know who to inquire and the right way to ask information technology.  That'south a lesson we learned after the pandemic hit concluding year, when many banks and lenders became willing to concord to more favorable terms for customers afflicted by COVID-nineteen. Erin Lowry, writer of the Broke Millennial volume series, talked to three people who negotiated a bill last year and asked them exactly how they did it. These are their tips.

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Kickoff an emergency fund…

Personal finance is personal, but some things are not-negotiable. Setting aside coin for emergencies — or opportunities — is the building block of financial wellness, according to every expert nosotros've talked to. The idea is to go along a few months' worth of expenses in a high-yield savings account , where information technology can collect interest until y'all demand information technology. Sudden expenses will throw a wrench in your money plan from fourth dimension to time, and your emergency fund is the best way to go along you lot on track.

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…and maybe ane for your parents

For some of u.s.a., protecting our own financial wellness isn't plenty. We also want to back up our parents or members of our communities when they need help. Jannese Torres-Rodriguez, a Latina money expert and a frequent contributor, had never heard of a "family emergency fund" before she wrote about them for NextAdvisor. What she discovered was a powerful fiscal tool that helps her and other women of color uphold their values of communal back up without derailing their own money plans.

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Get renters insurance

This is one of those things that'southward not required just strongly recommended. Renters insurance doesn't protect the business firm or apartment you lot're living in, merely it does protect the belongings you take within it. A standard policy volition protect you and your things " if someone becomes injured in your apartment, there is a theft or break-in, or other accidents occur. "For example, if your dwelling is burglarized or your dog bites someone, your renters policy will kick in," writes NextAdvisor's Alex Gailey, at an average monthly cost of $42 a month.

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Say no to whole life insurance

"If your financial counselor is recommending you buy whole life insurance, y'all don't take a financial advisor. You lot take an insurance salesman," says Jeremy Schneider , the self-made millionaire backside Personal Finance Club. In all merely a few scenarios, he and other experts say, it makes more sense to invest in term life insurance , which provides the same financial protection just at a much lower fixed cost. With the money you save, y'all tin can invest on your own at a higher charge per unit of return than what a whole life policy would offering. Read on for more on life insurance and who needs it.

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Calculate your child tax credit

This ane is for the parents: the stimulus package passed in March included a new and improved Child Taxation Credit. Unlike the previous version, this 1 volition exist partially paid out in cash throughout the year. Families who qualify will be paid up to $iii,600 per child for tax year 2021, with half of information technology issued earlier the end of the year. Since payments began going out in July, take a moment now to calculate how much you're owed and what you want to do with the money.

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Bookmark this computer

You have to see compound interest to believe it. This calculator on is the easiest style to visualize how money invested in the stock market grows over time. Enter a starting investment, whatsoever monthly contributions, and a fourth dimension horizon — and you'll immediately see a projection of how chemical compound interest will multiply those investments over fourth dimension. Play with the numbers and you tin calculate the amount you want to invest each month to reach your FIRE number or whatsoever other goal. When yous're bold a rate of return, go on in mind that index funds, which rails the unabridged stock market, have historically delivered a 7% boilerplate annual rate of return.

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Open a Roth IRA

In that location are lots of accounts that will help you invest, but a Roth IRA has something special: any money you invest in it will grow revenue enhancement-complimentary forever, provided you meet a few conditions. That means all the compound interest you earn is yours to go on, without the capital gains taxes you lot'd incur with a regular brokerage account or on a trading app like Robinhood. NextAdvisor contributor Rebecka Zavaleta is our resident Roth evangelist. Here she explains why she loves them and then much.

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Invest your contributions!

This is a beginners' mistake that multiple money experts take flagged to the states, so we're compelled to share. Investing is a 2-step procedure: outset you lot contribute funds — such equally to a 401(m), traditional or Roth IRA, or brokerage account — and then you invest those funds . Without that second step, your money is in "financial purgatory," says Tori Dunlap, a 27-year-old who'south on runway to take $6 million invested by retirement. If you're stuck on choosing your investments, brand information technology piece of cake for yourself and buy a target date fund, which is based on when you want to retire, or an index fund , which tracks the unabridged market.

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Take an investing form

You have to acquire information technology somehow. Investing in the stock market offers a clearly divers path to wealth — with persistence and the right accounts in place, a long-term investor who buys index funds is essentially guaranteed to come up out ahead. It's doable, but it does require some studying. We gathered up our favorite online investing courses and tutorials, so you lot can peruse them for yourself. There are lots of options, some costless. Meet what method of learning might work all-time for you lot.

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Make a educatee loan payoff plan

Federal student loans accept been in a glorious state of limbo for the last year due to the policy changes brought on by COVID-19. No payments are due and no interest is accruing until at least September thirty, 2021. The reprieve has given millions of people breathing room in their budgets, while others have used the involvement freeze to throw more than payments at their chief. Either manner, the freeze may be catastrophe soon, and broader educatee loan forgiveness doesn't look probable. Time to sit down down with your loan info and make a program.

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Follow a mom

A absurd mom, though. As part of our "Moms & Money" digital issue in May, we introduced you to 10 financially savvy online creators who talk nearly all things parenting. Dyana King , who goes past @moneybossmama, will teach you how to make a monthly upkeep and invest for your children. Nicaila Matthews Okome is a side hustle pro. And our friend Farnoosh Torabi is an all-around fiscal expert who's written on how to not raise spoiled brats . Whatever of them will liven up your feed with skilful communication and cute family photos to boot.

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Save money with the $1 rule

Cutting expenses can feel like an practice in self-torture. But one of our contributors found a way to pull back her spending without sacrificing the things she loves most. Meet the $ane rule. As debt autobus Bernadette Joy explains, she gives herself permission to buy something she wants if it will cost $1 or less per utilise. A $50 pair of sneakers that she'll wear one time a week for a year? That checks out. But a winter coat on sale for $75 that will exist worn a few times a season? Not then much. Run across if her hack works for y'all.

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Become a big, fat welcome bonus

We don't get too defenseless up in the complicated earth of earning and using credit card points. Only some offers are merely a directly upwards adept deal. That's the case for the welcome bonus offered by the Chase Sapphire Preferred® Bill of fare, offering a fourscore,000-betoken welcome bonus for those who spend $4,000 within their first three months. If yous have a solid credit score and you'd be spending that money anyway, cheque out our story on the artistic means you can utilize those points for free travel and hotel stays.

Starting time a joint account. Just one, though

For couples who live together and share expenses, a joint depository financial institution account can help yous separate them equitably. Only stop right at that place, says Suze Orman. When she talked with NextAdvisor for an interview last month, Orman spoke from personal feel in saying that couples should "never, ever, always" combine their finances completely. Instead, she recommends just one joint account for shared expenses, with each partner contributing based on their income. Having your own money is empowering, says Tori Dunlap, the 27-year-onetime founder of Her First $100k. "It weirdly makes you more than confident in your own relationship," she says.

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Subscribe to a money podcast

Listen upward. Money podcasts are the platonic one-sided human relationship. You lot go to hear all the dirt most other people'due south coin mistakes, successes, and tips — all without divulging a thing well-nigh yourself. For our listing of the best coin podcasts, we found a mix of styles and topics. Tiffany Aliche and Mandi Woodruff's " Brown Appetite " is a lively and often hilarious chat about careers, entrepreneurship, and more than. " BiggerPockets Money " zeroes in on real estate investing. And our own Farnoosh Torabi interviews big-proper name guests every calendar week on " So Coin ."

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Make a "noodle budget"

"Drop downwards and get your noodle on" is non something you hear every day, but it makes sense when Tiffany "the Budgetnista" Aliche explains it. A noodle budget is how she describes the minimum corporeality of money yous can afford to live on every month. It's equally if you're eating Ramen for every meal. Knowing that number is a game-changer, Aliche says, because information technology clarifies what you lot need versus what'south prissy to take. In times of financial distress or uncertainty, you can cutting your spending downwardly to that level, aka drop downwards and get your noodle on. You tin also find a medium ground between your noodle budget and your regular spending — that's called "getting a little bit of your noodle on."

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Start a side hustle

One of the reasons Jannese Torres-Rodriguez is our favorite side hustle guru is that she doesn't give you whatsoever excuses. You already know at that place are more opportunities than ever to brand extra income right now — funds you can use to pay off debt, salve, and even achieve financial independence. So what's holding you dorsum? We asked, y'all answered. Here, Jannese gives her response to six of the well-nigh commonly cited reasons why people don't start side hustles, from "I don't have fourth dimension" to "I want passive income." Plus, she made a chart with xv ideas to go started. Come across? No excuses.

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Speak with your dollars

Reflecting on the fight for social justice this year reminds us of the power of our collective voices. And when we spend money, we speak with our dollars. That inspired contributor Erin Lowry to research the about effective ways to back up the things nosotros care about in our everyday spending. Lowry recommends ownership from local, small businesses, peculiarly those that are BIPOC-owned. Yous can also find companies that back up things you care about, like Patagonia, which pledges ane% of its sales to environmental causes. And if you're on Amazon, use AmazonSmile to trigger a charitable donation every time yous store.

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Know your 'why'

Your priority on the path to success is to be clear on what success actually ways to you. That's the advice of Katia Chesnok, a 32-yr-old financial educator in Miami who paid off $40,000 in 18 months after reaching an emotional breaking point. For Chesnok, success ways earning passive income and having plenty coin to back up her parents. To zero in on your "why," Chesnok recommends imagining your life in the future, later on yous've achieved your goals. What are you doing it for?

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