Oprah's Angel network gets its start.

In 1994, a lilliputian girl named Nora appeared on The Oprah Show with her male parent, Ted, to talk about her Penny Harvest projection. She and other children collected pennies, which added upward to $ane,000 to assist different organizations. "I started thinking, 'If y'all could practise that, I wonder what I could exercise?'" Oprah says. That question brought nigh an system that would change lives around the world.

On the September 18, 1997, episode of The Oprah Winfrey Evidence, Oprah invited viewers to join her in using their lives to improve the lives of others with her new system...and so Oprah'due south Angel Network was launched!

Your donations helped send 150 students to college.

Oprah'southward Affections Network started small, turning spare change into college scholarships.

All sorts of people sent in their spare change...including so-first lady Hillary Rodham Clinton! "We started to proceed change in that when we heard well-nigh your Angel Network," she said.

The grand total, over $3.5 one thousand thousand, provided $25,000 college scholarships for 150 deserving students—that'due south three students from every state!

Our viewers built more than 200 new homes with Habitat for Humanity.

That same year, 1997, our viewers got out their tools and gathered coast to coast to build more than than 200 beautiful new homes with Habitat for Humanity. More than fifteen,000 of you volunteered to build homes for families in need. Fifty-fifty Aerosmith'southward Steven Tyler got into the groove and helped fund a house in Boston.

As a upshot, hundreds of families found out at that place is "no identify like home."

Use Your Life Awards helped local programs.

In 2000, the Angel Network rolled into fifty-fifty more than neighborhoods with our Utilize Your Life Awards. With the help of Paul Newman of Newman's Ain, Amazon.com founder Jeff Bezos and you, our viewers, more 50 life-irresolute programs got the money they needed to help their local communities.

Your generosity has helped build schools around the world.

Then, the Angel Network went global, reaching out to children effectually the earth. To date, your generosity has built sixty schools in thirteen countries, including India, Ecuador and Mainland china. And in that location are still more on the way!

Oprah's ChristmasKindness trip.

In 2002, Oprah'south mission was to give promise to children in South Africa through her ChristmasKindness trip. Her dream resulted in 21 days, 50,000 children and a million moments of happiness.

Your generosity was overwhelming. More than than $ix one thousand thousand was donated after you saw what a difference it could make to these children!

ChristmasKindness continued in 2005.

ChristmasKindness continued in 2005 when more 900 South African children were treated to a spectacular Christmas funfair.

Your donations bought uniforms for children in South Africa.

In Southward Africa, your donations bought over $1 million worth of school uniforms—a precious gift to children who tin't attend school without them.

Children in more than 27 countries now have books of their own.

Because of y'all, the viewers, children in more than than 27 countries—including Russian federation, Nicaragua and Afghanistan—now take books of their own.

Oprah and Nate celebrate with the families who received new homes.

In the wake of Hurricane Katrina, Oprah asked you lot, the viewers, to open their hearts...and yous did!

As of August 2007, donations to Oprah's Affections Network in response to Hurricanes Katrina and Rita full $15.6 million and  nearly 300 homes have been built or restored in eight communities across four states—Texas, Mississippi, Louisiana and Alabama.

The new Seven Fountains school.

In Jan 2007, Oprah'southward Angel Network opened the doors to an innovative new primary schoolhouse called Seven Fountains in the poverty stricken community of KwaZulu-Natal, S Africa.

When Oprah first visited, the school was in a building with no heat, limited running h2o and electricity, four toilets, dirt floors, no playground and broken windows. Despite these weather condition, shut to 1,000 eager children attended school. Now, it's a country-of-the-art centerpiece of the community!

Oprah thanks you.

You opened your hearts, and miracles happened. From a few pennies in a bucket more than a decade ago to a $72 million force that lifts upward those who demand it around the world, Oprah has 1 special message for all of you lot: "Cheers, Angels."


  • Make a donation to Oprah'south Angel Network
  • See what the Angel Network can accomplish!